Build customer loyalty

A guest loyalty program made to maximize your profitability

Increase visibility and boost your revenue to Hotel Engine's members by offering double the rewards on every booking.

Maximize your profitability and guest loyalty

Elevate your property's earning potential and guest satisfaction with Partner Hub’s 2X Rewards (2XR).

Increase in bookings after launching a 2XR hotel rewards campaign
Increase in revenue from new business travelers

Instantly attract more potential travelers

Properties enrolled in 2XR see a noticeable uptick in bookings, averaging a 5% increase in just 60 days. Opt into the 2X Rewards program, and your property gains an exclusive blue badge, making it instantly more attractive in potential guests’ search results.

Dramatically increase revenue for your property

Powered by heightened guest bookings and repeat visits, our partners experience a 125% average increase in revenue after deploying 2XR. By offering double the rewards, you not only incentivize first-time bookings but also encourage ongoing loyalty, turning casual guests into repeat visitors.

Double the rewards, double the success

Sign Up

Monitor your campaign’s success with real-time insights

Take control of your marketing strategy with 2XR’s comprehensive analytics dashboard. Track the performance of your campaign in real-time, make informed adjustments, and maximize your return on investment.

Double your bookings and revenue

Join Partner Hub’s 2X Rewards program today and unlock your property’s full potential.